A Biography

Past and Present

The W3DevPro Company

Started in 2016:

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 66109973
VAT number: NL 102208748B01
General Terms & Conditions

Owner & Developer

  • The owner & developer of the W3DevPro company is a senior male person living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Originating from the most northern province of the country called Fryslan and still firmly rooted there as well.
  • My first web experience goes back to 1995 (internet of 23.000 sites) when 16k modems were all the rage and Yahoo a top notch search engine and Netscape the only viable browser on a constantly bombing Apple Mac machine.
  • Profesionally I got involved in maintaining and building websites as of 1998 as a "webmaster" for the first site of the Amsterdam based healthinsurer.

Professional Experience

I’ve been working in different positions since 1997 in IT and IT related fields (mostly representing business interests) inside health insurance companies.

Some of the job titles:
* system administrator
* webmaster
* database administrator & research assistant
* teacher of html and internet
* consultant

Untill recenty I worked in the field of information management/ business consultancy with the largest heathinsurer of Holland.

Privately and on a commercial basis I’ve been running business-like activities (trademark: Fryslan Webservices™) since 1997:
- selling & building websites (static & interactive) since 1997;
- selling, implementing & promoting websites based on Evoq/ DotNetNuke CMS since 2003;
- running & developing the Survey Project and SP webapplication since 2009.

Initial Survey Project™ activities:
- Setup and restart (based on Nsurvey v.1.6), upgrades, restructuring and development
- Programming (C#, asp, html, sql) of the SP tool
- Testing, analysis, documentation, project- and releasemanagement
- Architecture & Design